research studies
Awsumb, J. M., & Carter, E. W. (2024). Pre-Employment Transition Services: Provider experiences with design and delivery. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 60(2), 211-223.
Schutz, M. A.., Carter, E. W., & Travers, H. (2024). Rural school staff roles in career development for students with disabilities: A mixed methods study. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 47(1), 46-61.
Lequia, J. L., Vincent, L. B., Lyons, G. L., Asmus, J. A., & Carter, E. W. (2023). Individualized education programs (IEPs) of high school students with significant disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 58, 22-35.
Schutz, M. A., Schwartzman, B., Awsumb, J., M., Burgess, L., Carter, E. W., & Taylor, J. L. (2023). Pathways to paid work for youth with severe disabilities: Perspectives on strategies for success. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 58(1), 11-26.
Awsumb, J. M., Schutz, M. A., Carter, E. W., Schwartzman, B., Burgess, L., & Taylor, J. L. (2022). Pursuing paid employment for youth with severe disabilities: Multiple perspectives on pressing challenges. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 47(1), 22-39. .
Bumble, J. L., Carter, E. W., & Kuntz, E. M. (2022). Examining the transition networks of secondary special educators: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study. Remedial and Special Education, 43(6), 375-391.
Schutz, M. A., Awsumb, J., Carter, E. W., & McMillan, E. D. (2022). Parent perspectives of Pre-Employment Transition Services for youth with disabilities. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 65(4), 266-278.
Skillern, S., & Carter, E. W. (2021). La transición: Parent perspectives on transition for Latino youth with severe disabilities. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 21(4), 323-333.
Carter, E. W., Awsumb, J. M., Schutz, M. A., & McMillan, E. D. (2021). Preparing youth for the world of work: Educator perspectives on pre-Employment Transition Services. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 44(3), 161-173.
Carter, E. W., Schutz, M. A., Gajjar, S., Maves, E., Bumble, J., & McMillan, E. D. (2021). Using community conversations to inform transition education in rural communities. The Journal of Special Education, 55(3), 131-142.
Awsumb, J. M., Carter, E. W., Schutz, M. A., & McMillan, E. D. (2020). Perspectives of pre-employment transition services providers on preparing youth with disabilities for employment. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 53(2), 205-218.
Valentini, B., Carter, E. W., Bumble, J. L., & Hill, E. (2019). School-business partnerships and students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Listening to employers. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 50, 365-377.
Gilson, C. B., & Carter, E. W. (2018). Video-based instruction to promote employment-related social behaviors for high school students with severe intellectual disability. Inclusion, 6, 175-193.
Gilson, C. B., Carter, E. W., Bumble, J. L., & McMillan, E. (2018). Family perspectives on integrated employment for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 43, 20-37.
Mamun, A. A., Carter, E. W., Fraker, T. M., & Timmons, L. (2018). Impact of early work experiences on subsequent paid employment for young adults with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 41, 212-222.
Biggs, E. E., & Carter, E. W. (2016). Quality of life for transition-age youth with autism or intellectual disability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46, 190-204.
Blustein, C. L., Carter, E. W., & McMillan, E. (2016). The voices of parents: Post–high school expectations, priorities, and concerns for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 50, 164-177.
Carter, E. W., Blustein, C. L., Bumble, J. L., Harvey, S., Henderson, L., & McMillan, E. (2016). Engaging communities in identifying local strategies for expanding integrated employment during and after high school. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 121, 398-418.
Boehm, T. L., Carter, E. W., & Taylor, J. L. (2015). Factors associated with family quality of life during the transition to adulthood for youth and young adults with developmental disabilities. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 120, 395-411.
Carter, E. W., Boehm, T. L., Biggs, E. E., Annandale, N. H., Taylor, C., Logeman, A. K., & Liu, R. Y. (2015). Known for my strengths: Positive traits of transition-age youth with intellectual disability or autism. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 40, 101-119.
Kucharczyk, S., Reutebuch, C. K., Carter, E. W., Hedges, S., Farah, E., Fan, H., & Gustafson, J. R. (2015). Addressing the needs of adolescents with autism spectrum disorders: Considerations and complexities for high school interventions. Exceptional Children, 81, 329-349.
Carter, E. W., Brock, M. E., & Trainor, A. A. (2014). Transition assessment and planning for youth with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 47, 245-255.
Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., Cooney, M., Weir, K., Moss, C. K., & Machalicek, W. (2013). Parent assessments of self-determination importance and performance for students with autism or intellectual disability. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 88, 16-31.
Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., Cooney, M., Weir, K., Moss, C. K., & Machalicek, W. (2013). Self-determination among transition-age youth with autism or intellectual disability: Parent perspectives. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 38, 129-138.
Carter, E. W., Austin, D., & Trainor, A. A. (2012). Predictors of postschool employment outcomes for young adults with severe disabilities. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 23, 50-63.
Trainor, A. A., Carter, E. W., Swedeen, B., & Pickett, K. (2012). Community conversations: An approach for expanding and connecting opportunities for employment for adolescents with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 35, 49-59.
Solberg, V. S., Howard, K. A. S., Gresham, S. L., Phelps, L. A., & Carter, E. W. (2012). Quality learning experiences, self-determination, and academic success: A path analytic study among youth with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 35, 85-96.
Carter, E. W., Austin, D., & Trainor, A. A. (2011). Factors associated with the early work experiences of adolescents with severe disabilities. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 233-247.
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Ditchman, N., & Owens, L. A. (2011). A pilot study connecting youth with emotional and behavioral difficulties to summer work experiences. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 34, 95-106.
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Ditchman, N., Swedeen, B., & Owens, L. (2011). Community-based work experiences of adolescents with high-incidence disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 45, 89-103.
Trainor, A. A., Carter, E. W., Swedeen, B., Owens, L., Cole, O., & Smith, S. A. (2011). Perspectives of adolescents with disabilities on summer employment and community experiences. The Journal of Special Education, 45, 157-170.
Carter, E. W., Ditchman, N., Sun, Y., Trainor, A. A., Swedeen, B., & Owens, L. (2010). Summer employment and community experiences of transition-age youth with severe disabilities. Exceptional Children, 76, 194-212.
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Cakiroglu, O., Swedeen, B., & Owens, L. (2010). Availability of and access to career development activities for transition-age youth with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 33, 13-24. 10.1177/0885728809344332
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Owens, L., Swedeen, B., & Sun, Y. (2010). Self-determination prospects of youth with high-incidence disabilities: Divergent perspectives and related factors. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 18, 67-81. 10.1177/1063426609332605
Carter, E. W., Owens, L., Trainor, A. A., Sun, Y., & Swedeen, B. (2009). Self-determination skills and opportunities of adolescents with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 114, 179-192.
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Cakiroglu, O., Cole, O., Swedeen, B., Ditchman, N., & Owens, L. (2009). Exploring school-business partnerships to expand career development and early work experiences for youth with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 32, 145-159.
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Ditchman, N., Swedeen, B., & Owens, L. (2009). Evaluation of a multi-component intervention package to increase summer work experiences for transition-age youth with severe disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 34, 1-12.
Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Sun, Y., & Owens, L. (2009). Assessing the transition-related strengths and needs of adolescents with high-incidence disabilities. Exceptional Children, 76, 74-94.
Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., Pierson, M. R., & Stang, K. K. (2008). Promoting self-determination for transition-age youth: Views of high school general and special educators. Exceptional Children, 75, 55-70.
Pierson, M. R., Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., & Glaeser, B. (2008). Factors influencing the self-determination of transition-age youth with high incidence disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31, 115-125.
Trainor, A. A., Carter, E. W., Owens, L., & Swedeen, B. (2008). Special educators’ perceptions of summer employment and community participation opportunities for youth with disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 31, 144-153.
Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., Pierson, M., & Glaeser, B. (2006). Self-determination skills and opportunities of transition-age youth with emotional disturbance and learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 72, 333-346.
Chambers, C. R., & Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2004). Parent and sibling perspectives on the transition to adulthood. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 39, 79-94.
Hughes, C., Wehby, J. H., Carter, E. W., Plank, D. R., Wilson, L. R., Johnson, S. M., & Barton-Arwood, S. M. (2004). Summer activities of youth with high incidence disabilities from high poverty backgrounds. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 27, 27-42.
Carter, E. W., & Wehby, J. H. (2003). Job performance of transition-age youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. Exceptional Children, 69, 449-465.
reviews and other papers
Schutz, M. A., & Carter, E. W. (2022). Elevating the employment outcomes of transition-age youth with disabilities: Four decades of research. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 57(1), 1-21.
Schutz, M. A., & Carter, E. W. (2022). Employment interventions for youth with disabilities: A review of transition practices and partners. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 45(3), 154-169.
Rowe, D., Carter, E. W., Gajjar, S., Maves, E., & Wall, J. (2020). Supporting strong transitions remotely: Considerations and complexities for rural communities. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 39(4), 220-232.
Test, D. W., Coyle, J., Seaman-Tullis, R., Rusher, D., Carter, E. W., & Odom, S. L. (2020). Secondary transition practices and predictors for students with autism spectrum disorder. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 55(3), 247-263.
Trainor, A. A., Carter, E. W., Karpur, A., Martin, J. E., Mazzotti, V., Morningstar, M. E., & Rojewski, J. W. (2019). A framework for research in transition: Identifying important areas and intersections for future study. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 43(1), 5-17.
Lee, G. K., Chun, J., Hama, H., & Carter, E. W. (2018). Review of transition and vocational interventions for youths and adults with autism spectrum disorders. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 5, 268-284.
Carter, E. W., McMillan, E., Willis, W., & TennesseeWorks Partnership. (2017). The TennesseeWorks Partnership: Elevating employment outcomes for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 47, 365-378.
Gilson, C. B., Carter, E. W., & Biggs, E. E. (2017). Systematic review of instructional methods to teach employment skills to secondary students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 42, 89-107.
Test, D. W., Smith, L., & Carter, E. W. (2014). Equipping youth with autism spectrum disorders for adulthood: Promoting rigor, relevance, and relationships. Remedial and Special Education, 35, 80-90.
Carter, E. W., Brock, M. E., Bottema-Beutel, K., Bartholomew, A., Boehm, T. L., & Cease-Cook, J. (2013). Methodological trends in secondary education and transition research: Looking backward and moving forward. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 15-24.
Carter, E. W., Harvey, M. N., Taylor, J. L., & Gotham, K. (2013). Connecting youth and young adults with autism spectrum disorders to community life. Psychology in the Schools, 50, 888-898.
Lee, G. K., & Carter, E. W. (2012). Preparing transition-age students with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders for meaningful work. Psychology in the Schools, 49, 988-1000.
Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2011). Transition supports: Equipping youth for adult life. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 35, 177-180.
Swedeen, B., Carter, E. W., & Molfenter, N. (2010). Getting everyone involved: Identifying transition opportunities for youth with severe disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 43(2), 38-49.
Carter, E. W., Owens, L., Swedeen, B., Trainor, A. A., Thompson, C., Ditchman, N., & Cole, O. (2009). Conversations that matter: Expanding employment opportunities for youth with significant disabilities through community conversations. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 41(6), 38-46.
Carter, E. W., Swedeen, B., & Trainor, A. A. (2009). The other three months: Connecting transition-age youth with disabilities to meaningful summer experiences. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 41(6), 18-26.
Lane, K. L., & Carter, E. W. (2006). Supporting transition-age youth with and at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders at the secondary level: A need for further inquiry. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities, 14, 66-70.
Carter, E. W., & Lunsford, L. B. (2005). Meaningful work: Preparing transition-age youth with emotional and behavioral disorders for employment. Preventing School Failure, 49(2), 63-69.
chapters, books, and other publications
Awsumb, J., Hrvatin, J., Travers, H., Carter, E. W., & Guest, L. (2024). Connecting students with significant support needs to employment: A tool to structure employment planning meetings. Inclusive Practices, 3(1-2), 23-33.
Gilson, C. B., Whirley, M., Carter, E. W., & Schutz, M. (2022). Teaching employment skills to people with intellectual and developmental disability. In J. L. Matson & P. Sturmey (Eds.), Handbook of autism and pervasive developmental disorder: Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment (pp. 1559-1579). Springer.
Carter, E. W., & Schutz, M. A. (2022). Transition preparation: Providing building-level supports in middle and high school. In K. Viezel, A. Davis, & S. Wilczynski (Eds.), Postsecondary transition for college- or career-bound autistic students (pp. 179-200). Springer International Publishing.
Sinclair, J., Unruh, D. K., & Carter, E. W. (2020). Transition education for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders. In M. L. Wehmeyer & K. Shogren (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent transition education for youth with disabilities (2nd ed.; pp. 480-497). Routledge.
Travers, H., & Carter, E. W. (in press). Transition and students with disabilities. Routledge Encyclopedia of Education.
Carter, E. W., Harutyunyan, M., & Azatyan, T. (2018). The transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities. In R. Ticha, B. Abery, C. Johnstone, A. Poghosyan, & P. F. Hunt (Eds.), Inclusive education strategies: A textbook (pp. 125-138). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota; Yerevan, Armenia: UNICEF Armenia & Armenian State Pedagogical University.
Carter, E. W., & Schutz, M. A. (in press). Transition preparation: Providing building-level supports in middle and high school. In K. Viezel, A. Davis, & S. Wilczynski (Eds.), Postsecondary transition for students with high-functioning autism (pp. TBD). New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.
Bouck, E., & Carter, E. W. (2018). Community participation and natural supports. In L. S. Brusnahan, R. Stodden, & S. Zucker (Eds.), Transition to adulthood: Work, community, and educational success. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children.
Carter, E. W. (2018). Supporting strong transitions for students with autism spectrum disorder. In Gelbar, N. (Ed.), Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: A clinical handbook (pp. 171-195). New York, NY: Oxford University Press..
Shearer, B., Carter, E. W., Wendel, K., Jenkins, R., Bethune, L., Halman, M., & Gajjar, S. (2017). Toward a future of flourishing: Preparing youth with disabilities to transition successfully. Breaking Ground, 87, 18-19.
Carter, E. W. (2015). What matters most: Toward a future of flourishing. TASH Connections, 41(3) 10-20.
Carter, E. W. (2014). Postschool outcomes. In C. R. Reynolds, K. J. Vannest, and E. Fletcher-Janzen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of special education: A reference for the education of children, adolescents, and adults with disabilities and other exceptional individuals (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Carter, E. W., & McMillan, E. (2014). Pathways to meaningful employment for youth and young adults with significant disabilities. TASH Connections, 40(1), 6-7.
Carter, E. W., & Unruh, D. K. (2012). Transition education for adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders. In M. L. Wehmeyer & K. W. Webb (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent transition education for youth with disabilities (pp. 454-474). New York, NY: Routledge.
Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2012). The new transition handbook: Strategies secondary school teachers use that work. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.
Carter, E. W. (2010). Promoting self-determination among transition-age youth with emotional/behavioral disorders: Promising practices. In D. Cheney (Ed.), Transition of students with emotional and behavioral disabilities: Current approaches for positive outcomes (pp. 51-78; 2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Research Press.
Carter, E. W., & Draper, J. (2010). Making school matter: Supporting meaningful secondary experiences for adolescents who use AAC. In D. McNaughton & D. R., Beukelman (Eds.), Transition strategies for adolescents and young adults who use augmentative and alternative communication (pp. 69-90). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2002). Informal assessment procedures. In C. Sax & C. Thoma (Eds.), Transition assessment: Wise practices for quality lives (pp. 51-69). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2001). Supporting the transition from school to work and adult life. In P. Wehman (Ed.), Supported employment in business: Expanding the capacities of workers with disabilities (pp. 239-250). St. Augustine, FL: Training Resource Network.
Hughes, C., & Carter, E. W. (2000). The transition handbook: Strategies high school teachers use that work. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes.